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News around Mister Size

Find out all the important news and information about promotions around MISTER SIZE. We are constantly working on improving our condoms for you and, of course, making them available in your local area or in your favorite online store or in other countries. If you have any questions or suggestions on how we could improve MISTER SIZE even further, or also where MISTER SIZE should still be available for purchase, please feel free to contact us, e.g. via our contact form.

Luxemburg Flagge als Nummer 1 auf einem Siegertreppchen zum Thema Verhütung

Luxembourg leads Europe in contraception

Discover how Luxembourg takes the lead in the European contraception ranking with 94.2% and how Eastern and Western Europe differ.

Kondom, Antibabypille und andere Verhütungsmittel

Condom replaces contraceptive pill as the number one contraceptive in Germany

Current study data show why the condom has replaced the pill as the leading contraceptive in Germany. Find out more about the increasing criticism of hormonal methods and other reasons in favour of condoms.

Nummer 1 im großen Kondomvergleich

Number 1 in the big condom comparison - MISTER SIZE rated "Very Good"

In the big condom comparison of March 2023, Mister Size condoms are number 1 with a rating of 1.2.

Luis von Spondoms (links) eröffnet zusammen mit Max vom AStA der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (rechts) den kostenlosen Kondomspender

Free condoms for students in Germany

Free condoms for everyone? In some countries this has long been a reality, in Germany Mister Size now also offers free condoms for students at some universities.

Mister Size Figuren als Symbol für 7 verschiedene Kondomgrößen

Condom Sizes: Condoms Tailor-made for you

How do you know what size condom is the right one for your penis? Find out why you should find your perfect fitted condom, how to find your tailor-made condom, the benefits of wearing the perfect fitting condom, what condom sizes are available? And…

Mein Kondom ist Mister Size - Haufen mit Kondomen

My condom is Mister Size

Condom users who have already tried several condoms write to us again and again that they have found their condom in MISTER SIZE. Of course, we are happy about this and therefore we wanted to know exactly and also let others know about their…

Jan und Eva Krause Geschäftsführer der Vinergy GmbH mit Mister Size Kondomen

When it comes to safe sex, you can't do without condoms

Our managing directors Eva and Jan Vinzenz Krause give an interview in eLine Magazine about the potential of condoms in the erotic retail trade.

Deutsche Apotheke Symbolbild

Mister Size condoms in pharmacies in Germany

Our condoms are now also available in German pharmacies. So the right condom size for you is also available in your area.

Symbolbild Irland St. Patricks Day

Mister Size condoms now also in Ireland

Condoms in the right size are now also available in Ireland. Discover our new retailers on the island of Ireland.

Britische Flaggen

Sales launch in the UK and new English website

Our new English website also marks the launch of Mister Size condom sales in the UK.

Spanische Flagge

Our condoms are now also available in Spain

You are looking for condoms in Spain. Discover our first shops with Mister Size in the range on our new Spanish website.

Italienische Flagge

Italian Mister Size website online

In Italy, you can buy Mister Size condoms in more and more shops now, which is why we are now adding an Italian website to our range.

Französische Flaggen

Mister Size condoms in France

After we were able to win some dealers for our condoms in France, our French website is now also online.

Italienische Apotheke

Mister Size condoms in Italian pharmacies

You can now get your Mister Size condoms in the first pharmacies in Italy, and we have won the first Italian pharmacy wholesaler.

Klopapier horten während Corona

Condoms instead of toilet paper

Germans are hoarding only toilet paper and noodles in the Corona pandemic? Not true, condoms have also seen an increase in sales of almost 40 percent.


Condom sizes in the drugstore - Mister Size is now available at Müller in Germany

Mister Size condoms are now also available in many German shops as well as in the Müller online shop.

Influencer bei der Arbeit

Influencer wanted

We all know our shoe size. Why not our condom size or that of our partner? Become our Influencer now and make Mister Size even better known.